Newsletter… whats the crack?


An email update basically, but because I hate the idea of just selling you stuff, even though we both know that’s what’s happening here… I want to hopefully make it something you enjoy reading maybe? Or get something from it. So I will also add some info about what I’ve been up to in the studio, what’s coming up, and a seasonal folktale for you.

Think of it more as a wee Almanac, a seasonal tale, whats happening this season you might be interested in and the odd seasonal craft or recipe.

Hopefully, something in it will resonate, while also letting you know if I’ve got a shop update coming up, a sale, a workshop or what events I might be hanging out at looking a little lost, if you want to come see me for a cuppa and get the crack.

What is it?

When is it?

My aim is to live seasonally, and pot that way too. I find it so disconcerting that at the time of writing this (begning of January) there is already easter eggs in the bloody supermarkets?! Talk about feeling rushed through life!

So I am aiming to do shop updates on etsy each season, which means you should get a newsletter a few weeks before that. Generally that will be March, June, September and the end of October begining of November. Dont worry I wont be cluttering up your inbox every month!

You can see more about this in the blog but basically I follow the celtic wheel of the year, in that seasonally I mean natures seasons (not commecrial ones) so the equinoxes and the festivals that fall between them. For example Imbolc in February, Ostara in March, Beltane in May, Litha in June etc.

I find that it helps me slow the year down and gives me focus for not only making but enjoying each season more, otherwise I feel I loose something between the excitment of Summer Holidays and the Festivies of Christmas.

What’s seasonally?




  • an annual calendar containing important dates and statistical information such as astronomical data and tide tables.

  • a handbook, typically published annually, containing information of general interest on a sport or pastime.

The best ones for me, are filled with a mix of both, seasonal information, activities, stories and food.

Whats an Almanac?